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Assistant Squad Leader
This section covers the combat equipment and weapons necessary for this role. It doesn't mention things like the uniform as every trooper had the same basic uniform. If you're interested in portraying the above position, you should have the following items:
The assistant squad leaders main responsibilities are as follows:-
1. Support his Sgt in his duties
2. Organising the squad members to ensure the following tasks are completed
Gathering of firewood
Refilling of canteens/water collection
Policing the area of rubbish and modern items
Assisting with meal prep/serving
- M1 Garand
- M1 Garand Bayonet
- M3 Knife
- 3 HE Grenades
- 1 GP (General Purpose) Bag
1 'spam can' of .30 cal. ammo per bag
Each belt is 250 rounds
- M1936 Pistol Belt
- M1936 Suspenders
- 3/4 Small Rigger Pouches
4 M1 8-round enbloc clips per pouch
- Musette Bag
- First Aid Pouch & Tin
- M1910/M1942 Canteen Cover
- Canteen & Cup
- Entrenching Tool

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