Events we will be attending
Always subject to change, you can't count on the weather, flooding, tornado's, strikes or just general chaos in this country.
Training weekend (1/Sgt Horlock)
101st weekend 2025
3rd - 5th May 2025
Temple at War 2025
9th - 11th May 2025 (My Bday!)
June, 2025
Capel Military Show
3rd - 6th July 2025
Ramsey Weekend
15th - 17th August, 2025
Military Odyssey
(guests of 'the ShackRats')
23rd - 26th August, 2025
The Victory Show
28th August - 1st September, 2025
MD44 X-mas meet
December 2025 - obviously!
...if other members have any other shows they'd like to attent that are suitable for the group, please let us know in the events chat.
As Miss Drop 44 has grown and evolved over the years, it has had to have a stricter and more regimented process of doing everything! From the rank structure and what ranks mean, to a set time table for events. Below is what a typical day at an event would look like... at least, if it all goes to plan.
08:30 (or before) wake up, get dressed coffee will be ready (Thank you Max for ensuring this is done)
09:00 FALL IN (correctly) - Roll Call - plan changes for the day / recap from day before / assign duties etc
10:00 Breakfast served
11:30 Drill Training (either rifle or foot)
After drill - three things happen
1 - time for each members to do something around camp, smoke, write, read, rest, clean weapons, play cards, dice, dominos, make a brew, eat some lunch -
2 - members allowed off display in 1 hours slots.
3 - If combat patrols are to be done, then it can be organised and will happen now
15:00 Drill training (which ever wasn't done in the morning)
16:30 Fall in - roll call - debrief for the day
Evening meal will vary in time depending on when the public leave and what tasks need completing at the end of the day.
The members present at a show will be split into the two rifle squads (or three squads). Either the squads according to the Company Rosta; or assigned at the show. These 'squads' will do there best to out do each other through the day and weekend. With a continuous score being recorded, at the end of a season the person with the highest amount of points will be rewarded.
Points will be awarded for things like :-
best at foot drill
best at rifle drill
best squad shelter constructed
team work
attitude to 'JGSD' (if you don't know what that stands for... you soon will)
Also, points will be deducted for :-
poor time keeping
modern items visible to the public
rubbish on display
This is meant as a bit of fun, but it also helps keep the standards up, you all on your toes and someone gets a prize. At the evening roll call, the squad of the day will be announced. At the last roll call of the weekend, the squad of that day and the weekend will be anounced. A point is awarded for each member of that squad.
So does this mean the more events you do the more chance you have of winning? ... of course not, this isn't some sort of bribary to get you all to attend every show, we know and understand that you have lives outside of MD44. So, the score works like this. For every squard award point you get, this is multiplied by a 100 and then divided by the number of MD44 events you've attended. So if you did 1 event and got 2 awards would be the same score as doing 5 events and getting 10 awards.