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So what the hell is this about            (note- videos may take a moment to appear, a busy page!)

For some reason, long since forgotten to me, I started to create YouTube videos... it would seem that my unusual and unorthodox style of videos is loved by more than the people who hate them. Those that usually hate them are too stupid to understand the point of them or are the problem within the hobby. Now let me make one thing clear... I don't if you want to base your impression on a character from Noddy. The issue I have is these farb-tastic clueless muppets who tell the public that there impressions are 100% correct and alter history to portray their own version to suit what ever shitty impression that they have put together. Using things like colour books and films for references. By all means dress like a sack of shit, just don't go about telling everyone it corrects, because arseholes like me, will point out the errors in your ways... and just so you all know, I don't care if this upsets you, triggers you, makes your cry, or you think I'm the worlds biggest arsehole. 

So why go to all this hassle, is it really worth it? YES! There are people literally redefining and altering history for their own ego or agenda. There is no reasons to do this hobby poorly and lie about it. Either do as you preach and do it authentically... or be a farb and admit it. If you don't know if you're a farb here is some typical examples.
1. You don't want to CC2 your M42s because they'll smell 'funny'
2. You don't want to wear a wool shirt because you'll get hot.

3. You pick your weapon/s to carry because they are the 'cool' ones.

4. You either own no actual good reference books or know anyone who does. (MdT)

5. You think having anything modern on display is acceptable (from mobile phones to MacDonalds)

6. You purchase everything the cheapest you see, with zero regard to if it is actually accurate or not.

7. All advice given to you is wrong because you've seen Band of Brothers more times than everyone

8. If you've ever quoted Band of Brothers for ANYTHING!

theses are just a few possible examples out of hundreds I could have typed up.


So, what are the videos? Well they simply started from guys in the MD44 sending me links to videos to watch, then I started to do reaction videos to them. Then came along a few videos of actual information, although these take more time to do. Then a few videos of what projects I am involved in and also relevant things to do with the hobby. At the time of writing there is 62 videos! I get asked all the time when more are coming out... I will, I promise get around to them. My question is always "why the hell do you want more?!?!"  



It all started here... a reaction video to those that Max found... starting with this 101st airborne paratrooper re-enactor who doesn't give a fuck (his words, not mine) and has some interesting items on his webbing, as well as some nice items too.

So... video number 2... a video Max sent me to look at and react to. A nice one to to pick to many holes in. Love the guys attitude, his knowledge and that he actually cares about what he is doing and genuinely wants to improve. Why can't everyone in the hobby this sort of attitude. A nice happy video with no banging my head on the table just yet....

Some people should just know better! If you are going to advertise somewhere; or be teaching anyone anything, then at least get the basics right. We see so many re-enactors passing out miss-information, such a shame and is not a good thing for the hobby.

A confusing video on a confusing impression! What are you? (You-tube removed the music, so ignore me saying that the song is Pink Floyd)

Oh dear... parachute first aid packets on helmets! The basics guys, come on! If you're going to talk at a museum to a teach people about paratroopers, at least get the easy stuff right first.

New to the hobby? Odd ATF jacket with weird AF popper placements!

Gorgeous original 82nd M42 (un-reinforce) with original webbing; some good details on how to attach everything together and information on where to find manufacturers stamps and dates on original webbing too. This guys videos will be used a lot as he has quite a few I want to look at and go over.

More from the 'Ww2usairbornecollector', impressed with his video yesterday on US Paratrooper webbing (m1916 pistol holster aside). Clearly has a lot of knowledge, has some fantastic items in his collections and his videos are very easy to watch. So expect to see lots of his content. This video being reacted to is not linked on the Miss Drop 44 website, as I get asked lots "what goes in a musette bag?" so hopefully, this will help lots of people coming into the hobby of living history.

Well I regret that! I spotted a second video on what goes into a musette bag and thought it would go well with the other! My god, I don't think I've ever been so wrong in my life. Full of errors and miss-information; with the occasional momentary glimpse of brilliance! I apologise for wasting your time in advance.... however working out what he is and seeing that M1919 .30 cal that can fire with no ammunition was worth seeing!

A fairly dull video, talking about M1910 / M1912 / M1936 pistol belts... don't rush to watch this one... it's almost a waste of you-tubes space. Sorry

A very relaxed 'promenaders/reenactors' event in Czech Republic. Nothing authentic, just a jolly time playing dress up. Two guys dressed as farbs who claim to be doing impressions of real soldiers talk some nonsense to the public. It's actually not strictly that bad, but you'll get my point. Some parts are OK, with some waffle and some nonsense thrown in too for good measure.

WoW! What a pleasant surprise, only a couple of mistakes, but a fantastic impression that is an easy one to sort! Great job!

The flag scared me off at the start... I shouldn't have been put off though. This guys is going somewhere with his impression. I only disagreed with a couple of things... which if you've seen the other videos then you'll know that is pretty good going!

At last... someone who struggles with the idiots in this hobby too! He understands my pain, he sees the other 101st dressing up warriors for what they are. We agreed 110% on everything... well... ALMOST everything! Such a breath of fresh air... if only we can find more guys like him in the hobby. His original video will be shared on the website, as it is exactly what we keep telling people!

TO&E Infantry Rifle Company Parachute explanation



Urgh... my eyes!!! my poor f'in eyes... at least the camerawork shielded us from seeing all the farby bullshit and unauthentic nonsense.

A minus anniversary? WTF??? Apart from the weird title, there is hope here, some weirdness as always, but still a lot of hope to turn this into a good authentic impression. Fingers crossed

2 part video all in one. His video is in two parts, the first is fairly decent and things are tolerable/good with not as much BS as some... but then part two starts... URGH!!!


Yeah... why don't people do this?

Jessyswarmovies again! Remember that ugly 101st flag, well that pretty impressive impression started here! Then went on to feature in that short home made, low budget movie that features that unforgettable wooden .30 cal that doesn't even need ammunition to fire!

One of my favourite discoveries on You-tube has to be USWW2AIRBORNCOLLETORs videos. His collection keeps amazing me and I have to resist the urge to just watch all his videos back to back!

Comparing my own map case and contents to USWW2AIRBORNCOLLETORs, looking at it from a collectors aspect vs living history. I got through all the 'crap' I carry about.

Meh, not much going on in this video really, there is some general information and if correct a few interesting facts. The best bit is when he explains why the Schmeisser is called a Schmeisser! Truly priceless, you couldn't make this up... oh wait he did! If you don't know your history, then please dress as a 101st paratrooper and just make it up. NOTE - The MP 40 was often called the "Schmeisser" by the Allies, after the weapon designer Hugo Schmeisser. Schmeisser had designed the MP 18, which was the first mass-produced submachine gun.

If you are in a re-enactment group or living history group this is the standard to which everyone should aim towards. nothing modern is ever seen, everyone works as a team, the kit is superb. Maybe a bit too clean. Staggeringly good... too damn good!



Exactly as the title says.... just a 101st Infantry Division dressing up club, what else can I say!



An interesting look into how much a US standard infantry impression can cost you. A good idea for a series and a further in depth batch of videos... maybe one day

Some original Carentan filming of Silver Star Award Ceremony June 44, let see what interesting bits we can point out... if any

This wasn't what I expected to watch tonight, but I'm so glad I did. How to DIE! Hysterically entertaining video showing a random side to the hobby. How to die in those stupid battles at shows.

I mean, this almost has me lost for words...clueless, farby, nonsensical... just the average 101st WW2 re-enactor at their best!



Vice News tries desperately to vilify and ridicule re-enactors whilst making themselves look like morons. They came with a one sided script, read from it, reported nothing, was completely biased and wasn't actually any sort of reporting at all. It was a piece to get a reaction from people in the loosest sense of journalism. Yes it got a reaction, that reaction is pointing out what a bunch of wankers they are.

Callum knows; as many group members do, of my detest of medics, not only can they not tell them difference between the 101st medics and the 326th Ab Medical Company, they are always armed to the teeth and make up bullshit about "they all had weapons"... check the fucking photos then.... where, in their pants? This guy however (even if he is 82nd) knows his shit. No nonsense, no bullshit, no stupid lies to justify doing things like an ape. He clearly has an actual interest in this, it shows and its looks great!

A guy tells us all about M1903 Springfield's that the paratroopers didn't have... then some woman tries very hard to be funny. These are both bad, nothing amusing, not even bad in a funny way... just poor quality viewing, skip to the next video.

I was surprised a bit when he started talking French, but the translation wasn't too bad at the bottom.

No CC2 - Some stupid pocket knife where M2 should be - No cot strap - Some stupid bullshit about dog-tags - No riggers, all M1 ammo pouches - No musette and therefore no personal items at all - Terrible colour helmet net - Correct rank for Company HQ radio op! Radio with all correct harness etc

but all easy things to fix :)

So... time to education people! After seeing all these videos on here they offer advice on 'complete airborne', 'full kit' or 'finished impression' and those people who say they have 'everything!' This is actually what you have to have with you when you jumped into France. No BS... this is it. No excuses, no FARBY BS. This also clears up this ridiculous K Ration thing about guys claiming they would have jumped with between 3 - 12 K rations... what utter crap! Just look at this list... then listen to why you are just soooooo wrong. Put the myths and story telling to bed and lets start improving this hobby. Lets stop telling the public utter crap and miss information and actually give them the truth and what they really carried and why. I hear the same story about I do this to honour the guys who really did it... then watch and listen to these same re-enactors talk totally nonsense! Yup, really full of respect and honouring them really well by making up history on their behalf.

Almost a pointless video, reacted to two dreadful videos, apologies that these are so dull... blame who ever sent them too me!


I love that fans of Nick are all butt-hurt that I 'picked on him'. wake up you clueless twats! Look  at the crap he is wearing, how he is acting, what he is doing... what part of any of this is authentic, believable or accurate. He might as well be sat at home with a fucking action man or playing Call of Duty. WAKE UP MORONS, just because you like his other videos, doesn't make this authentic and if you think it is, you are part of the problem with his hobby.

You know these are bad when I can get more than 1 video squashed into one. Two appalling videos reacted too. More dull, boring and pointless content seen... hopefully someone will find me something more interesting to watch! This batch at the moment is pitiful at best

If you can tolerate the reenacting webbing crap at the start and make it to the last video that you'll see what show battles in the UK should aspire to be like... not like that crap we currently have...isn't that right, Dereham station. The should actually be entertaining and not just ridiculous farbtastic nonsense and longs of bangs - this shows re-enacting at its best.

Hurrah... I'm not on my own as Miss Drops had a small meet up this weekend. We only got around to doing one video, Sam hid in the corner from the camera and Harry wasn't even here yet! So it was just me a Max.... not the worst impression, but the same sorts of mistakes 99% of 101st re-enactors make... so all easy fixes.

Not the worst for sure, but still just more evidence of people packing/using wrong items and not really having much of a clue about what and why they should be carrying certain things. More effort has gone into having 'fluffy' and silly bits than actually the items that should be there... For example his M42 hasn't been CC2 treated, but he has the time to find all sorts of period looking cartons and boxes that wouldn't have been jumped with or carried on the person.

The guy in the video featured in one of our really early videos, and you couldn't help but love his attitude of "I know its incorrect, but I want to wear it, I like it, so fuck it". He doesn't tell people its correct, he doesn't pretend its correct and even I don't have a problem with that. The main reason is, he is not going around lying to the public telling them it was done that way. Despite being looking ultra farby by wearing and carrying some crazy items, he has now blown almost $800 USD to get an M42 jumpsuit that will fit him! Two jackets as the first didn't fit properly and 1 pair of 'pants' trousers. He gives these some series high praise. yet they are literally coming a apart. He fails to point out the fact that this bits are breaking and avoids mentioning them at all. If you think paying crazy amounts of money for a products means that it is going to be the best... don't fool yourself. I had a run in with this company recently and despite not being a die hard fan boy of their products still considered them the best choice for certain items... now after seeing one of their jumpsuits in person and on here. Not a chance in hell would I buy these overpriced and over-hyped jumpsuits. One of the MD44 members has one and he regrets ever being it and is going to get rid and buy a SOF example! We sat down and compared, China crap - SEMs - SOF - ATF - WW2 imps against each other...the jackets showed some crazy differences between the, and you can clearly see where the cost of the jumpsuits is... but for the WW2 Imps... its just a high price tag with no reward. Sorry for the bad news, also, when you contact them regarding errors and things that don't work and are unfit for purpose... they couldn't give two fucks... they've got your money and that is the end of it as far as they are concerned! No matter how good an item is; if you don't stand behind your mistakes when a product isn't fit for purpose then you loose all faith in that company.

I did laugh at his rant about people asking him where the other video is and him going off on one. I did feel a bit bad about picking on a child a first, but then again, he is giving people misinformation and stating this is what you should do. However, it is full of nonsense and bullshit. My favourite line being something like - "this is the point in the war when they jump and run around a lot more..." wtf! any ways, this doesn't deserve much of a write up, its just garbage.

The start is appalling, full of mistakes, errors and best still that classic crap about M1 carbines being almost useless and you'd better of throwing rocks at people. Why do people think that the M1 is a pretty duff gun. If it wasn't fit for purpose then the military would have dropped it. Yet it was adapted for use by the airborne, which actually says a lot about how good this little gun and calibre really was. Yes it doesn't have the range of the M1 Garand, nor was it supposed to have. It is not a rifleman's rifle. It has more rounds inside the gun than the M1 Garand and is magazine fed; a better system than the en-bloc. People tend to unfairly compare these these two different tools. It's a little like going to your tool box and complaining that your wrench doesn't bash in nails as good as your hammer. Now go tighten a nut up with a hammer... To dispel these stupid M1 Carbine myths I think a separate video could be needed...

What is this!!! A fairly decent ww2 airborne impression... still needs some work, but its a good foundation for a really impression. Still the same old M1911 popping out to say hello, so please just get rid of that. A lack of CC2 again, but that is always an easy fix and makes a HUGE difference. And not too many of the classic mistakes we see everyone else do. With only minor waffle and nonsense. A good video. Thumbs up!


No care, no attention, no research... buying garbage from Man The Line isn't ever going to be a positive thing, unless you need fuel a campfire. Almost a waste of internet space

A claim of being a guide to improve your impression. Starts with a paratrooper talking on a mobile phone, while his buddies stand about with cartridge belt on and hash marks on helmets... Dear Ex Miss Drop 44 members - I take it that ridiculous comment asking me "Erm are you in the army?" is due to the fact I am wearing an old US ARMY t-shirt purchased from an Army surplus shop in the 90s! Available to anyone to purchase, civilians included for a huge £5. No I am not in the army (as you well know), neither have I ever claimed to be and neither do I want to be. Do you ask everyone who wears camouflage if they are in the army as well? You must have great fun when at military shows quizzing everyone. I also have a 'Fanta' t-shirt and I don't claim to work for them either... Get a life.

SADLY THE SOUND WENT TO SHIT, but these two think that Operation Market Garden happened in Denmark! Like WTF!

So this is the first of the two replacement videos... after 7 attempts we finally have 2 watchable videos!!! Hurrah! We got a request recently to show some of our sets of webbing in a video and go through them. So here goes, using a handheld webcam and ring light, I tried to show it... so apologies for the appalling camera work. The sounds should at least be OK, as I put the mic in the middle of the webbing sets. Fingers cross it turned out OK.

PART 2 of the webbing video.... enjoy! We got a request recently to show some of our sets of webbing in a video and go through them. So here goes, using a handheld webcam and ring light, I tried to show it... so apologies for the appalling camera work. The sounds should at least be OK, as I put the mic in the middle of the webbing sets. Fingers cross it turned out OK. The webbing sets are simple to put together, yet 99.99% of 101st impressions are f'in appalling and incorrect. Why people just slap any old crap together is beyond me, wouldn't some simple attention to detail and some pride in what you are wearing be worth it.

This is how to do it true 101st reenactor style. Keep it clean, buy the correct items, wear them right, add the accessories like a flag; then buy your flag a jeep.

QMi;s raincoat has been know as the best for many years now, however, recently SOF have come up with their own.. and it looked really good on the website, so I ordered one and this is what I think. Apologies to QMi for coming in second place Apologies for SOF for pointing out the dozens of mistakes in your catalogue, the rain coat has some minor flaws, but overall is very impressive! Good job.

A super super quick look at KRationInfo's type II K ration inner and outer cartons.

So I finally found time to do this video on the differences for an individuals impression between the 3 regiments and different battalions. This is not all gospel, but should give you a good firm starting point. Remember that I do 502, and 502 is what I concentrate on and know best. The other info is bits and pieces I have picked up, mostly comparing them against 502. I hope it proves useful and starts steering more people into fine tuning their impressions. If anyone wants to drop me a line for help, advice, tips, ideas or to correct me when I'm wrong, please do so. I'm not perfect, I'm just trying to improve the state of things within the 101st re-enacting world, because frankly its fucking abysmal!

I've mentioned reference books a fair bit now in previous videos and its about time we looked at the a bit more... what to avoid, what to get, what's worth the money and what isn't... Which is really simple... if you're 82nd buy X and if you're 101st buy Y.... Hope this proves useful.

Firstly apologies for the video being so damn long! I had a lot of stuff to unwrap and look at. Even though it was only a quick look at most items it still took forever. Almost all of it is for living history, giving you some idea the depth into which Miss Drop 44 goes into. A few odd items are going into my militaria collection.

Sent to me by Nick West to review. A short film done with zero budget. The effects and filming and nice considering... how the accuracy of what is being worn... WELL!

So the long awaited M42 improved jumpsuit from SOF has arrived, but how good is it? There website says some odd things... most authentic... helped designed by people and Screaming Eagles LHG... heavier cotton... hmmmm... lets see

So is been a while... 8 months in fact, a quick recap on MD44, the shows we've been at ( didn't include pics, I forgot! ), some bits I purchased, forgot to mention the .30 cal and tripod... oops! Some people we've met and 1 review. Thanks to whomever sent me the link.

Bang bang bang bang nonsense... no educational for the public, not entertaining to watch, bullet proof soldiers firing countless rounds and the obligatory M1911... 2nd video is a young lad who is improving on his 101st impression.

two very short videos, one from a museum educator that is just soo brief its barely educational and then onto someone with a bit of the same sort of humour as myself. No where nearly as much as a prick as I am when I do a piss take video, but you'll get what I mean in places.

Thanks Andrew Holloway for sparking the idea of todays video, after chatting with him and saying things that I now expect everyone to know, like "you'll need AFRA for that" and he asked, what's AFRA? and also talking about why the group was called misdrop and evolved into Miss Drop 44 and the original idea of having multiple units. The bell dinged in my little head and the light bulb came on... video time!!! A few photos selected... some notes scribbled down... and then to hit RECORD! Job done. Fairly dull I know, but it feels like most of you would watch paint dry if I was there to talk to you about it ;) Seriously thought, thanks for watching me waffle on. I did smile at the few likes and amount of people who watch the vids.

Amazing to think there are people out there in the hobby that can just make something this good and almost nobody knows about it. But is as good as SOFs 2022 production? Is it a more viable option than going ATF and as good as quality? Is it better than SEMs.... actually that goes without saying. So what do you get for the same price as SOFs and EPICs M42s retail for? Lets find out. Go check out their website, link below!

So... another couple of video reaction videos... one great, one near miss, one short film with terrible script, appalling 506 PIR impressions, but with good effects. Shame no research was done into the 101st prior to making it. With some decent impressions, a good script that wasn't all taken from BOB/SPR etc it could have been a solid production

Apologies again for being absent for 3 weeks! Always lots going on in the background that you'll never see or hear about. A quick update, what happened with my GSG MP40 9mm blank firer with its magazine feed issues. A trip over to Nederlands to see Bas at Rocksteady Militaria, relic hunting in Nijmegen and a tour around the area. Two videos filmed back to back.... this update and reaction vid to follow

My second video filmed today on a back to back mission! No idea who sent me this video link, apologies to whom ever did! I was confused for a few seconds until the penny dropped! I'm sure I will get some hate from the Bando clan, again, oh well. He makes some very good points that we've mentioned a 100 times before, however, so many people just ignore all advice given. Cough cough... 'airborne re-enactors' cough cough... some great snippets in the video of real attention to detail and really living the life of their impression! Fantastic. As the video is good, sadly you don't get me being a total arsehole today... I'm sure it will come soon. Keep sending in those links to videos, let me know of anything relevant in the hobby that needs sharing.

FREE GIVEAWAY - 3 identical mystery prizes WW2 Original US miliaria

Rules 1. send me a link to a youtube video (this must be related to the hobby of re-enacting/miliaria/living history/ww2 etc not a cat falling off a shelf!) through the website (not ;com, like I said in the video) include your email address. You can submit as many as you like 2. If I laugh or swear in reaction to something, like I commonly do in frustration, then we go to rule 3 3. You have to have subscribed to the channel prior to sending in your links 4. The first three reaction videos to get 50 likes (yes only 50, lets not wait until 2065) win a mystery prize. If the same person happens to meet the criteria for two prizes the second will be rolled over for someone else to win and I will send a few other goodies in its place. Good luck and get sending me those links... don't forget to smash that like button (cringe)

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