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Squad Leader
This section covers the combat equipment and weapons necessary for this role. It doesn't mention things like the uniform as every trooper had the same basic uniform. If you're interested in portraying the above position, you should have the following items:
The squad leaders main responsibilities are two fold
1. Making sure his squad had adepquet shelter
2. That all his men are clean, shaven and up to standard
As well as that, he is to ensure that his squads area is displayed well
All men confirm to the groups uniform standards
Organising the building of communal shelters
To make sure that his Cpl is in control of his duties
- M1 Garand
- M3 Knife
- 4 HE Grenades
- Lensatic Compass & Pouch
- Binoculars
- Map Case
- M1936 Pistol Belt
- M1936 Suspenders
- 3/4 Small Rigger Pouches
4 M1 8-round enbloc clips per pouch
- Musette Bag
- First Aid Pouch & Tin
- M1910/M1942 Canteen Cover
- Canteen & Cup
- Entrenching Tool

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