So, this will branch away... FAR, FAR away from the rest of this website.
For some crazy reason a lot of you who have seen my YouTube videos, love it when I rant and get annoyed about stupid things.
Fine. Have it your way...
Behold, a page dedicated to compiling - and therefore legitimizing - all the things in life that annoy me!
This should go without saying... but these are all my own views... enjoy.
So why now? Let me start over well 20 years ago and bring you up to speed.
When I was in my teens I discovered the sport of ice hockey via a friend. Then to my amazement I found it wasn't only played in American, but in England too. Then just imagine this young lads amazement to discover that it was played right here in his home town of Oxford, I live just around the corner from the ice rink. For some reason... and a fact that is still true to this day, they don't seem to like telling anything about the sport or advertising it. God forbid they might make money and be successful... woooooooooooo, calm down Dan... the rants come later! ...get back on track... so.... I became an instant fan and attending every game I could. I was in love and they were soon always refered to as MY Oxford City Stars. This continued into 20s, 30s and 40s around this time I had the misfortune to move to Essex and even then I would do my best to attend as many games as I could. After all, what is a 100 miles of travel to see my team play.
I spent years emailling the team, asking if I could help support them in any way. After all, I had been a fan for years, I was an author and happy to create a book for them, I ran pubs and shops so had experience in sales and people, I was a graphic desinger and was happy to do anything that would help... yet I never got an answers to any of the dozens of messages I sent in. One of the previous managers was actually the only person to answer anything of mine and we had some very brief chats about things, but then he left... so that went nowhere. I happened to message the previous media manager Carl one day as he used to deal with the media campaign and I suggest to him that I could help in some way and the idea of writing a book for the Stars could be done quite easily. Albeit that idea has changed dramitically! I met up with Carl at the ice rink one training session and proposed my idea about a book and explained that I wanted to help the team. I would do anything I could do and that I mad offering help for some long. I happen to suggest I could act as another photographer. This just seemed to happen and then I spent the rest of the 2023/24 season going to every training session and every home game and a few away games taking photographs of everything I could. I sent those to Carl who used them in his media posts, one photo even made the Czech internation press! So clearly something was working! I met lots of the team and it was nice to be included in things and be able to finally help.
HOWEVER!!! Once being considered a volunteer, you start being able to peek behind the curtain and things start to look shaky and you start seeing the oddities. Remember that this is supposed to be a PROFFESSIONAL SPORTS TEAM. You have a family who act like they run and control everything, from pretending to be a 'manager' which is a bit like a the trolley manager posistion at a supermarket. This 'manager' is pretty vile, both online and offline. She is happy to insult the public if they dare ask a question that she doesn't like and also the players if they dare leave the team to better themselves. Usually by calling them a traitor and saying childish things like "'ve left for a can of coke and a packet of crisps", when in reality, they have gone somewhere nicer, paid more and treated far better. These volunteers look like they went to bed in their clothes, slept in last nights take away and then went to the rink, giving the perfect look for a 'proffessional' sports team. Almost all other clubs have some standards of dress... but clearly the Stars don't need such a thing.
The supporters tables look not much better than a car boot sale of goodies and the communication with the fans is so far out of date that the club has pratically no idea what the fans actually want. There is no innovation allowed at the club at all, anything that is suggested as a good idea is instandly shot down and crushed... I can only guess that is due to it not being an idea spawned from the director or manager, or their direct minions. The team now only has one director, which wouldn't be a bad thing, if it were not for the fact that a 'bury your head in the sand' approach seems to be taken on almost all matters.
As much as I enjoyed the 2023/24 season, the games were appalling and almost everygame was a loss. As the season started to get to the end, the players were exhausted and lots had either gone or been booted. Sometimes booted very unfairly. Darcy Flanaghan being the prime example here! Booted for not coming to training sessions... BUT this was hardly an uncommon thing for players not attend. Petr Cech was seldom seen at a training session... I should know, I was there more than he was! However, Darcy was booted. This almost seemed to start a trend and for me this was the point it all started to unravel. When the season did end, it was clear that a huge problem was looming and that planning next seasons team needed to be dealt with right away. However, it was far easier to close eyes and put heads over ears.
As 2024/25 season started to approach, the communication from the team was nill. No players had signed, people started asking what was happening and it was only the volunteers who were speaking up. Sorry, let me rephrase that, it was only the volunteers who were insulint and shouting down anyone who dared ask what was happening. In some over the top defensive manner, not understanding people wanted to know what was happening to their team. They weren't asking as an attack, but because they care and they are interested. Something every team wants thier fans to be. However, these volunteers turn to publically insulting people, getting aggressive and really quite vile. All this done publically!!! Again, remember that this is a 'proffessional' sports team. On top of this, lets not forget that there is supposed to be a manager at the team, why is this manager not doing any sort of damage limitation and controlling this appaling behavior by their volunteers... oh yes... they are all related and doing it as a family unit. So why isnt the director dealing with these people making a mockery of their team? Too busy bury their head.
I saw one person, (someone claimed that they were a director, that didn't check out at all!) saw to someone that they were an unfit parent, knew nothing about the sport, should just shut up, go away and that they were only out to hurt the team and were no way a fan that they wanted in club.... why? They had dared to ask who would be playing next season that had played the previous season. People get blocked and banned from the Oxford City Stars Facebook pages for speaking up. Censorship in its finest. Even ex-Oxford City Stars players get banned too! How crazy is that.
The book idea... yeah, its not gone away. It'll just be done as a total pisstake. "How not to run a 'proffesional' ice hockey team" and you can bet your arse which team it'll focus on. Also, baring in mind that their logo is not much more that clipart from the internet!
I did purchase another Own and Loan jersey for the new season, but I don't trust them one bit to actually send it to me at the end of the season. So I have demand through Paypal a refund for the amount. This own and loan scheme is also totally failing for this coming season, the last time I saw the jerseys sold. The only ones sold were purchased by myself, volunteers and the manager. I cannot help but wonder who things like this doesn't set alarm bells rining in their heads? I'd be asking "Why are people not interested in purchasing these?" "How can I make them interested?" and deal with it. Instead, the new 'media' guy who has no experience in media and it shows just churns out odd posts with appaling spelling and gramma. In his last childish rant on one of his posts, somone asked if anymore players were due to be signed.. he declared that he knows everything that is going on and that he is in charge of what the public/fans are told. This self inflated ego is typical of those are OCS. To state that he is in charge of what information is released is simply absurd... again, you have to wonder why these people are allowed to run loose and free and no control is put over anyone volunteering. I always wondered why I was allowed to wonder around, where ever I like when I was playing photographer. Nobody ever said, you can't go there, even in areas where it says "no public addmittance"... I would go and do anything I wanted. No questions at all... it really is an open season to do anything you like if you volunteer, there will never be concequences for insulting fans or players as long as your towing the OCS line! There is a set fixture of volunteers at OCS, and they are under the impression that nobody else would ever want to help or volunteer. Its a case of put the best of a bad lot into any role that comes up. Hence the 'media' guy having zero experience and why the posts are so bad. If he and the team cared, they would have posted about an opening at the club for a volunteer to take up the media side of things and tried to find someone with experience... but no, I was told this didn't happen as they think nobody would do it. I'll remind you know that I was trying to help the team for years before I actually got anywhere and I'd bet my arse that there are plenty more people out there that would love to help too.
BUT...... after witnessing all this, my 20+ year love for the team has been erroded away in as less than 4 months. I don't want to see the team, I don't to help them team, today I discovered that I have been blocked and removed from their Facebook pages, because I dared say that my love for the team has completely gone and I'll be going elsewhere. I couldn't believe that a proffesional team would delete and ban fans because they are going to watch another team play this season. It's like its run by primary school children playing football with the attitude of "it's my ball and if I can't win then I quit and I will take it home"
I know by saying all this publically that I won't be welcome at Oxpens anymore anymore and frankly I couldn't care less. I couldn't not say something. You shouldn't never try and silence, insult and belittle your fans just because you're not getting your own way and don't like that you're being asked questions to which you don't have answers for.
Problems currently faced.
Season starts immenently and they don't have enough players, as the fans predicted.
The new coach is still on a ban from last season! A fact that OCS has hidden
One of the players that did sign is also still on a ban!
The OCS have given nobody any reason to sign for them, over signing for any other team. If you had a choice, you'd pick any other team.
Which leaves them with drafting anyone they can convince from the league below, who want a shot at 'playing up'. This'll be the only way they will get a team together.
Players would rather play for Oxford Rising Stars than City and I can't blame them. The only way OCS can still get on the ice is by 'borrowing' players from ORS and getting desperatly getting young lads from leagues below to play. A state of sheer desperation!
So what's next... well I guess I will leave it with them. I'm sure they will give me lots of free content. Despite blocking all the people that I now want out my life as far as possible on Facebook... I can bet you money that someone will sneak there way in and either send threats or abusive messages. You can guess exactly what I will do with them... and you'll be correct.
Other related problems...
So last season we tried to buy my girlfriends three kids OCS jerseys, went to car boot sale (supporters table) and enquired about sizes. To be told they have no idea and to look on the website. Nothing on the OCS website at all, then to the manufacturers website, again there was nothing that actually helped. Went back to the car boot sale and informed them. No surprises that they didn't give two shits and didn't want to help in any way whatsoever! 3 jerseys sales for that season lost... if we'd had been going this season then they'd have gotten at least 3 more...
At the end of last season whilst chatting with the director and ex-manager, the director informs us that the jersey will be exaclty the same as it was for the current season. Confusing, surely you want to drive sales of items, not stay well away from them? Sometimes it feels like the team wants to avoid making all the money it can. Why not let the fans decide things, have a design a jersey compeition, pay couple of quid and submit your entry, then pick the best one. Keeping commication with your fans flowing and also giving them what they want. Who doesn't want a new jersey every season! They are just so out of touch... there is this huge unbridgable void between the fans and the team, which frankly is sad!
I can't write about the Stars and not mention those disgusting nets that surround the rink. Not only are they horrible to watch a game through, they are also so dirty that you actually have no idea what colour they originally were. The rumours around these nets have been going on for years... they'll be replaced by X once Y happens... It's a bit like being in a zoo.
Ice hockey without beer and hotdogs just isn't right. They've been served at games since the sport was first made comericial! Yet, the rink let the 'sales' of alcohole license expire during covid and so non is now sold. Probably one of the only rinks to not sell a beer. Hot-dogs are sporadic at best, but a pretty below par and certainly don't leave you rankering to buy a second.
One of the secrets that they don't tell you, is that you are prefectly within your right to take alcohol with you and drink on the premises, as they have a license for that. Again, you have to have looked behind the curtains to know these things. You'll often see some of the volunteers with a cider in hand around the box.
So the OCS drafted literally anyone who would play for them, creating what could be the youngest team to exist in the history of the sport played at an pro level. Even still, with three more kids coming into the team... how on earth can they even have 3 line ups... WELL.... as predicted earlier...​​
See left.... they'll just have to reply on Oxford Risings Stars to carry them and loan them the much needed players they need. More than likely the players that left them in the first place...
Yet in other news.... the public disgusting behavoir continues from the manager. This random and lets face it really poorly written post on FB calling someone who used to help the team and sponsered players... also purchasing kit for players when they couldn't afford to themselves has no become public enemy no.2 (I'm claiming the no.1 spot). What did he do some wrong, well he got fed up with the bullshit too. Eventually you realise that there simple is no helping those that don't want to help themselves. This person would recieve memes from the other volunteers, but when he shared one back... all hell let loose.... why... well because he is not longer part of the 'in crowd'. So the message was shown to the manager :D and then the tirrade of abusive messages started flowing and this post was put up.
No idea who the other person is that it is refering to, it could even be me... albeit that would make zero sense whatsoever... a little like the post in general. Always keep in mind that this is the 'manager' of a proffessional sports team! That is given free reign from the director to say and do whatever they like... a carte blanche situation if ever one existed.
if only I had a red pen handy...
Never laugh at you own posts, you look moronic and shows that you did care, but are pretending not too.
Don't start a sentance with but.
No loss (not lost)
sentance structure is so poor that it doesn't need correcting, but rewriting.
A prime example of why people are loosing interesting in supporting a team that is managed this way, volunteers are insulted and called names all the time.
I sincerly wish them all the bad luck in the world and every loss this season will be celebrated and it this season is anything like last season, for me and a few who have seen the light... it'll be fucking brilliant season... or campaign as they called it!
OH NO.... Last nights game VS MK Thunder (who I'll remdind you finished bottom last season) was a win for OCS. A 'convincing' win of 3 - 2 for the stars. So they can just about beat the worst in the this league. What a shame. I got £500 on them to finish bottom.... plenty of time yet for players to quit, leave, get booted etc... just like last season.
I'm not saying that some in the team are young, but here is the latest training sessions photo.
It's funny, the few people who have found this have all started telling me of their own experiences with the club and very few are positive. The main gripes revolve around 'the family', this would be the 'manager', her daughters who have their very own version of what is right and wrong, what is acceptable to do and what isn't. Yet, this can chance at the drop of a hat depending if it suits the team or their own narrative.
They are more than happy to love and adore players if they are at the stars, but the second the news hits their precious little ears they'll be leaving, the insult cannon is wheeled into place and starts firing away. I guess its one way of making sure that they never wish to return to the team in the future!
It's not just the players of course... the fans, the volunteeers. A prime example of this is the potential to be bullying by one of the family to someone who has been a fan and volunteer at the club for years. Clearly I am not going to mention him as he's a really nice guy. He is registered with a disabilty so I fear he is more vulnerable and potentialaly more corruptable because of it. Several members of the family is currently bombarding him with messages after he unfollowed/unfriended them. Managers hubby, who amusingly she often spells his name wrong online, messaged this guy with simply a question mark... then blocked him! Lots more messages asking things like "why have you unfriended me huni?" BLLLUUURRRGGGHHHHH... why would anyone care if someone unfriends them? Get over yourselves. Posting in public that you don't care, then whispering in pms asking why, trying to be all cute and nice. WOW.
In fact even Mr Manager was slagging off the Oxford Rising Stars referring to them as the OAP team and said "Development team my arse". Which the latter point I do agree with, they haven't really been a development team with players started at the ORS and then moving up in the OCS. Happily taking the piss out of some of the senior players behind their backs in private messages. As well as slagging off players behind their backs he was more than happy to slag off and insult the dircetor too. Which in fairness isn't exactly a challenge. Doesn't really do anything to drive the team forwards, hinders progression, hinders engagment with the public, does more to stop things from happening then actually does to make things happen. She also has let anyone and everyone have free reign to do and say anything they like in the name of the club.
The family would often be heard slating the reserve team... but now they need them, they are the best thing since sliced bread and have even started liking all their posts on FB... they have zero integrity at all.
One of the ex-stars players said this "they are all council estate", and whilst it might be a bit of an edgy thing to say, myself and my sister both live on a council estate. I completely know what he meant by this and yeah... they really are something else.
...just when I thought the day couldn't get any better... I get informed that to date tickets sold 34! A sad and pathetic 34... clearly its not just me that is fed up with the team and the bullshit that surrounds it. The 34 also includes season tickets! To give an example. February 2024 was 430 tickets sold (OCS vs Chelmsford)... how embarrassing is that? I'm sure tickets sales will increase, but usually people can't wait for the season to start and the excitement within you builds and you can't wait to get back to watching the best sport in the world... it would seem though that I'm not alone in wanting to watch literally any other team. So, armed with two Swindon 'Cats' jerseys, I will be supporting them... and I don't even get a can of coke and packet of crisps!
On top of the piss poor sales and interest by the fans in attending... it would seem that sponsorship is going the same way. The rather naked looking jerseys are very blank looking with almost no sponsors on them and who can blame people for not wanting to sponsor a team that was dire last seasons, ignores and insults its fan. The only sponsors that they have are the ones that the now outlaw, public enemy no.2 got them. Still, again all this long since forgotton by 'the family' since he has been portrayed like some sort of an ice hocket traitor.
Dunamis is just kit supplier, so ignore that.
Royal Cars was one of PE#2 (public enemy no.2s) sponsors he got the team.
Buzz Gym was a free sponsor! Oozes desperation... if you look closely on the right of the photo you can just about see Fitzcoubtland... although no effort went into a logo or making sure it was visible to anyone. How pissed off would you be to have paid for a sponser advert that can barely be seen even when you zoom right in. Let alone watching the game from the stands! Again, Fitzcoubtland was another sponsor deal gained by PE#2
A prime example of how you get treated when you help this poor excuse for a proffessional team once they have got something they wanted from you.
OH GOD, The website... or it should probably be called a websHite as its so fucking poor. I was advised to google it and see what came up. The link to the rosta page was the first thing Google flashed up, but clicking on it gave a 404 error! Interesting, it would seem that which ever genious is now in charge of it renamed the page, so now the link that google flashes up doesn't even work. Some great SEO work there, but I doubt that they have any idea what SEO is.
Then all the links on the new rosta page are duff. Going to different pages instead of the player it should be linked too... just like the recruiting of players, it seems the website is to be done last minute too. At present only about 25% of the players have a photo and the page is drastically short on players. Albeit it highlights the state of the team very well.
The Sponsors are from last season, again its just out of date. Shirt off their back, seems to give the impression this happens every game... I think I've seen it less than a handful of times. It just needs a huge overhaul. Good luck to whomever gets stuck with that. I know several people have been tasked with it and then had it taken off of them... micromanaged to death until the sack it off, until the next poor sap takes it on.
First Home Game 2024/25 Season
So yesterday I was asking by Sarah if I was going to go watch the Shitty Stars, I said "no bloody thanks!", then Alec said he might be going to laugh at them and cheer for Chelmsford... FINE... lets go them. Well, I'm as surprised as you are... I acutally went to see this shambles last night... what I will say is that I had more fun at that game than any other Oxford game... ever... The council estate possy didn't disappoint with their usual unproffesional attitude. I wore a Swindon jersey to take the piss. For those unaware Swindon and Oxford and rivals at football. Oxford good players all left for Swindon at the end of last season. We paid and walked in to find Alec and Heidi standing upto behind the penalty bins and score box. Clearly someone noticed me and got angry/upset so when Dibsy announced the "welcome to all fans, both home and away...." he followed that with and unsual comment of "and to the guy in the Swindon jersey". I looked at Alec and we both laughed at how petty these people can be. They really do know how to make themselves look stupid... although it is what they do best... we check the game rosta and the first name was spelled wrong. Adian... ffs really?
"This was never going to be an easy game" is what they are all saying now... yeah... nor will any of the other games be. As soon as the puck dropped Chelmsford where all over them, their long passes from L to R or R to L where superb and a play that Chelmsford pull off well all the time. Yet, despite doing this the enitre game, OCS were completely caught off guard every single time.
The inexperience on almost the whole OCS line up showed clearly. If they got the puck they either paniced and smashed it away anywhere, or it was simply and easily taken of them. Their passing was shocking, no usage of the boards at all to pass off, stick handling was terrible, more players skating about with there sticks not even on the ice and barely moving about at all. Even before the 1st period ended they look lethargic and done for. How they weren't more than 1 goal down I have no idea... oh wait, yes I know. The only player pulling their weight, the fan favour Ross Miller stopped over 20 shots! 30 shots, did the D-men forget to turn up? Mind you some of the OCS line up were signed the day of the first home game. Yes... signed the day of the first home game. Doesn't sound too bad though does, let consider how much training with the rest of the team he has had, does he have any idea how the squad plays? Of course not. Mind you, the OCS training sessions look more like a fun happy kids party, rather than doing any sort of drills and honing of any skills or plays. OCS had 5 shots in the first period, although none had any realistic chance of going in!
I was asked how busy it was... I said, 1/3 of the place is shut off because people say hurtfull... but probably truthful things to the players and coaches so now they limit the places you can watch from even more! At least parts of the stand were full... mainly because you can't now spread out. Poor delicated little souls some of this Oxford lot are. Damn snowflake generation, they are in the wrong sport!
Even last season, when they lost and lost and lost... at least they were pulling crowds in. This year however... the prospects are grim, both on the ice and in the stands.
One of the volunteers who always mans the penalty box with the score sheet clipboard waved really oddly at me. I looked at Alec and asked wtf? I unfriend all of those vile excuse for humans after seeing how they react to people on Facebook and don't want to be associated with any of them, so why the hell is she waving at me. I ignored her and looked elsewhere. What a weird lot they are.
End of the second came... 0 - 5 another 19 shots on goal by Chelmsford. A lot of cheering and excitment from me. Frowning from the Ox volunteers below me. The media muppet posted that the Stars would keep the last 20 [mins] respectable....shame about the first 40. Embarrassing is the only way to describe everything but Miller was doing. I was asking by the lady next to me if I was a Chelmsford fan... I laughed and said I was an ABO fan... anyone but Oxford. I think she might have been connected to one of the sponsors, but I could be wrong.
I was getting updates from another ex-volunteer on what was and wasn't being updated and who else was finding it really funny. A shout out to Steve Perkins who was much amused apparently. You and me both Steve!
Finally score 0 - 6 with 56 shots on goal by Chelmsford vs 17 by Oxfords 'toddler' Stars. At the end of the game, we were all reminded that there is no sponser for man of the match so Dibsy announced that 'Clair Smith the VOLUNTEER....' would be handing over the boxes of bud... wait... did he call her a volunteer... ha! I mean that is what I would call the person who simply washes uniforms too.
It was at this point that a few of 'that lot' all stood down the bottom staring up at me and clearly annoyed by my presence... oh no... they will try and scare me by staring and waving. Isn't a shame that you can't just block people in the real world too and not have to see them or hear their bullshit. I simply look through them and away, they are of no imporance at all to me. Just a constantly reminder of how unproffesional they are and they represent a team that I once loved.
Now one of the things that people were laughing at... were the OCS jerseys... not only were the new children not wearing jerseys with their own names on, but not even wearing jerseys from this season. Just recycling jerseys from last season with ex-players names on. How hard is it to get a name added to a jersey... ffs even I can proffessional embroider a name onto something... So it was amusing, albeit in a childish way, shouting things like "Come on Will" (inbetweeners style for whom ever was playing in Hardings jersey) and "Go Bailey!" for whom ever was in BHPs old jersey. It all just oozes what a shit show this club has become.
I said it at the game, you just wait until tomorrow on Facebook. The council lot and the other volunteers will all get back to being defensive, aggressive, ignorant and abusive; repeating the same lines that they've been saying for years about Oxford, classic hyperbole style. There favourite being "the team is rebuilding"... like they did all of last season when it fell apart, the season before that... and that... "rebuilding" has become code for "a team with no cluehow to play or communicate with each other". They simply have no idea on how to communcite on Facebook in any way other way, it's always the same bully, shout people down style of aggressive messages to make their deluded and in denial points across.
boohoo... I don't see you giving MK the same slander. Firstly, it's not slander if it's true, but most importantly it can't be slander if it's written down... that would be libel. Its the gang up culture that is the most alarming thing from OCS volunteers, its supposed to be a proffessional sports team,but some how these children treat it look playground bullying session, to gang up and shout down anyone who dare says anything that they don't agree with. They'd all be well suited to working in the Nazi regime...
Did well for 30mins! What game was he watching... clearly wasn't this one... Chelmsford had 75% more shots on goal, effortless took the puck from any Ox player everytime they had it... Miller was the only one doing anything... and then top finish of such a stupid statement with some recuild bullshit, because he has nothing actually informative to say. Gives us some actual facts or reasoning, not just some publicity style waffle.
In true fashion, these things with these children escalate at the rate of knotts...
Miller isn't stuck at Oxford, he choose to be there and I was surprised he didn't follow his mate Stevo to Cardiff, after all that is much closer to come. BUT... playing for Ox means he is the number 1 netminder, he will always get ice time. If he did more to another team, then that isn't guaranteed, so in this aspect you could consider it a bit of a trap. Luckily for OCS he does want to play for them, as they'd be in even more of a mess.
A point I have raised many times is that the sport if almost a secret and you can bet a lot of great talent never comes to light as people simply don't even get the thought of trying to the sport is never given an opportunity. As Richard askes, what about all the Ox Uni players... why do none of those ever play for OCS? Valid question.
Of course the new media manager goes above and beyond on the next comment and insults someone... yet again. Ironically his wording is terrible 'a name called' his name isn't called anything. His name is what he is called... but lets not try and education the person who's role within the team is to write cohenently online to keep the publicity of the team flowing... I would have thought they'd like it to be flowing possetively and professionally... but clearly not as these kids are allowed to run riot and say what ever they want. Yeah... enough is enough. I'll all be put on here for all to see; mainly as you blocked and banned me from FB to silence and control me... unfortunetly you can't control me on here.
Now this gem by the 'cough cough' manager 'ha ha ha ha ha'... ignoring the lack of puncutation on her part. It's getting easier and easier to answer this, not that anyone of the volunteers will ever understand as they are so far in a pit of denial to ever see the truth. So why are more and more people hating Oxford. It is simple to see when you stop, look and think!
1. You talk to your fans like utter shit.
2. You listen to nobodies input other than yourselves.
3. The team has become so detached from the fans you have no idea what they want.
4. You ignore the fans needs. (part of number 3)
5. It's run totally unproffessionally.
6. The rink is shit.
7. It's managed like a school playground, with the 'in crowd' being allowed to do what they like and if you're not a part of that, then your shit on as often as possible.
8. Bullying and harrasment are seen as normal ways for volunteers to behave.
9. No change and no innovation, just so stuck in its ways.
those are 9 reason straight off the top of my head...
probably some of the same reasons why people don't want own and loan jerseys or to sponser the team too.
players, players... we don't need no stinkin' players...
Who needs a rosta when you can have a page on the website that glorifies the amazing people behind the scenes... because thats one of the biggest priorities now. Self glorification in all its finest! This bullshit never ceases to amaze me. Oh yeah... it was hidden from the rest of the world too, I guess there might have been some doubt in someones mind about if anyone would give two shits about who is pretending to me a manager or doing the socials... until they rage quit... again... at least they didn't punish us with photos!
So... rumour has it that its the director doing the website... not even one of the TWO social media people! How much trust does the director have that nobody is allowed to get on a do the roles they have been assigned... 'lumbered with', the best example of micro-managing I've seen in years. A company director tinkering about with the website when they have not 1, but 2 people for that job. I guess there is currently nothing more important than that. I love that more and more people are raising there heads up and saying "Hey, do you know about this!"... nope, but I do now. Cheers! I'm not going to name anyone of course, because we all know what would happen... just more insults, a flood of constant message and dirty looks and scowls.
UPDATE (11-09-2024) again... seem they just can't help themselves!
There is a Facebook group called 'Unofficial NIHL South Fan Zone' and its full of updates from those games. I started comments on things and of course being open and honest soon drew the wrath of those who can only bark insults are unable to hold any sort of intelligent conversation. Of course I let the flood gates open and told them how I felt, I wasn't rude, I was giving my opinion and being factual. Of course I knew those at OCS volunteers faction would object, they are if nothing predicatable. I thought I had weeded them all out and had blocked them all... but there seems to be an untold amount in that family and so one responded in the usual fashion, the opening salvo just ignoring what I wrote and said I was an embarresment. I guess when you have nothing intelligent to say, you just deflect and try and scare away people. Then twisting what I was saying as trying to turn away the OCS fans... like I need to do that, they already do a good enough job... Then I had a message saying that they had been complaining about my posts and trying to have them taken down. A post went up saying that there was nothing wrong with what I had said and it was just banter.
BUT.... an hour or so later these two notifications popped up... so what had they removed I wondered?
Someone had posted how Miller saved the team duting the 0 - 6 loss to Chelmsford. Below was my comment in reply. I thought it was a fair comment, if it wasn't for him stopping an almost continuous barrage, it would have been much worse! So a weird bit of over sensorship, but thena again, I'd do almost anything to make those shut up. Of course... they haven't work out that getting people to sensor me is like pour petrol on a fire. You can't shut me up, you can't make me go away... its like poking a bear and then telling it not to growl at you.
The below message, if you don't see what is going on at the rink with there comments, nasty posts, rude messages then you could see it all as libel... however, its true... but I can understand why they aired on the side of caution with that one. However, its still a shame that with all the over the top sensorship we already have on Facebook that now your right to free speach is attacked when people don't like your opinion. If I had said something in their fashion like "You think you are all so important because you volunteer at OCS, but basically that means that you work for free, because you're not worthpaying a penny for" and that "you have the charisma of Sadam Hussain and Jeffery Darhma and the personallity to match... in fact I'd rather spend time in there company that yours". If I had said something like, then I could understand why they take it personally and play the snowflake, cry baby, oh I'm upset and he hurt my feelings card... but they just see anything negative as a personal attack. Guess what, you are all irrelevant. If you all walked out right now from OCS, you could be replaced by a team of one legged monkeys almost instantly.
UPDATE (14-09-2024) they just keep on going...
Word from the rink is that I'm the latest hot gossip and public enemy number one... and they say honesty is the best policy; just not if your a brain washed Ox Shitty Stars volunteer... in which case, you're just following orders... like the Nazi state it is. I got this delightful message, taken as nothing more than a childish and immature threat from the Oxford City Stars very own mascot... Comet. What another glorious example of the team he is, sending abusive messages to people. Funny thing is, I was at the game and he nor any of the other children said a word to me. All they did was some weird waving and lots of staring... yet occuses me of hiding behind a keyboard? I blocked all these OCS stormtroopers on FB, simply because I've seen how they ALL act and want nothing to do with them, but they are so desperate to put their point across and keep on trying to shout people down and scare people that they actually go out of their way to message me on different platforms, in fact they found me on Insta... I don't really even use it. So it was pure luck that I even spotted it. Any ways... enough ranting... here is the message.
...mean while, as we are here... let share this latest gem that was sent to me from two ex-volunteers, this highlight comes from the intellectual media guy Christian... written in the same style as a foot stomping, sulking 4 year old demanding desert when they haven't eaten thier vegetables. Does Jo really care that little about her team that she allows this fiasco to keep on unravelling, allowing her 'staff' to make her team look like a bunch of wanna-be-thugs, ignorant bullies and deranged unintelligent nut-jobs. Not that anyone would take anything that any of them say seriously. It really is nothing more than attempted insults and hot air.
Christians posts are a mixture of cringy sulking, poor grammer and spelling and misplaced anger.
What is the point of this post? Is it a dig at Solent for posting the standings? Are they upset that they are not top anymore in their deluded little world. Is it some crazy over the top defensive strategy. The thing hs is missing, is that nobody does care what he has to say when it written like this, its just a pathetic attempt at content. It makes the team look unproffessional... although by now, you've probably worked out that that is an accurate representation.
If you are going to start a post with 'OMG' give it an exclamation mark, or at the very least a full stop. It's also they're and it's... but it isn't absurd. If you think anyone takes your childish post seriously, that is absurd.
Another 'it's' being written incorrectly. For the children do eventually find this and read it. Here are some free tips... asides from stop threaterning people, stop censoring people, stop insulting people... just some basic grammar lessons.
They're = THEY ARE
There = 'a place'
Their = belonging to a person
Its = possessing belonging to something example "the stars lost its 1st place spot"
It's = It is
Isn't = Is not
Another good tip, don't put laughing emojis after your own attempt at humor, it's just like laughing out loud at your own joke you've told when nobody else has found it funny... you look mentally deranged!
I'm sure I'll get more threats and abuse to share with you soon enough, its only a shame I didn't start keeping all this shit when it all first started!
lets remind ourselves of Ox City Stars amazing history...
Formed in 1984, they stormed onto the circuit and won division2 and not only got to the play-offs but won it. However, this amazing start, whatever caused it soon vanished! After being moved into division1, they finished 9th and didn't make the playoffs. Things just got worse, the next season they finished 15th and were kicked back down to division2.
It wasn't until the 1990–91 season where they finished first place, but nothing in the post season...
in the 1993-94 season they had 41 losses out of 44 games! They did pull the same trick off again as they did in the 90-91 season and in the 95-96 they finished top and again, won nothing in the post season again!
1996 saw the creation of the old NIHL and the OCS were placed in division1 where they finished 6th and couldn't even qualify for the playoffs.
The next season, this'll come as no surprise to anyone who knows Ox Rink, but the rink went to shit and the team had to relocate to Swindon! They renamed themselves the 'Swindon Chill', whomever came up with that shit name needs a smack. Sounds more like an instruction, than a sports team. The team did relocate back to Oxford in the 1998-99 season and became the Oxford Blades... another cheesy name, where they lost every single one of thier 32 games! The next season was a blessing in disguise as the told folded half way through, so at least they couldn't embarres themselves for two years running.
They re-emerged in the 2000-2001 season, but the best they could do was a 2nd place finished and one quarter final play-off as the highlights of ten seasons!
2012 to present... the new NIHL saw them in division2, a far better division for them to play in... for reasons that should be obvious! In both the 2012-13 and 2013-14 they came top, but no play-offs were held. They went again back up to division1, but only won 7 out of the 36 games... to finish and good stample positiion for the Stars... 9th! The following year saw a 4th place finish and actually making the play-offs, but loosing in the quarter finals. Back home they went to division2... and no surprise, they won the league in 2017-18.
Covid of course stole a couple of seasons from us, making the OCS unable to loose more games and not win more more leagues as well as not get into the play-offs.
2021-22 season brought ice hockey back alive again, and oh how it was missed... it's just a shame that nobody told Oxford we might like to win something... the stars finished 8th in the league... being robbed of there beloved 9th spot, due to Bracknell Hornets folding. They again lost the quarter finals in the play-offs... 23 games lost... 9 won.
2022-23 season was a duplicate of the one before, but moving up a whole position on the league table saw the Stars finish 7th; and you guess it, lost the quarter finals in the play-offs... 17 games lost... 11 won.
2023-24 season was a clone from the previous one, lost the quarter finals in the play-offs...the only diffence would be the 22 games lost... 1 tie and just 5 wins!
not a day goes past...
...and as predictable as ever, not even a day goes past before one of these poor excuses for humans keep on appearing out the woodwork... yet I'm not going to waste my time trying to explain why I now hate the people running the team to those very same people. If they really are that stupid to not already understand, then no amount of me explaining it will help. I could explain it to them... but I can't undertand it for them and there lies the problem.
Who is he kidding. It's like saying going to the moon is just applying to NASA and then you're on the moon. Overlooking or forgetting everything inbetween. Between this volunteers night and me blocking him there was clearly nothing... except for all the abusive messages I saw him and the other OCS voluntteer wanna-be-bullies posting online. After all it's the OCS way, if you don't like what people is saying, send threats, abusive messages, get what they said taken down and then if that doesn't work to kick them from any pages you can. A fan for over 20 years and this is the final straw. I blocked all these children as they clearly have no idea how to act in a civilised society and I want them out my life... clearly they know this, as soon as they all worked out I blocked them, they started looking for other ways to message me. I have no iterest in you. Go away. You messages will just be ignored... hence I BLOCKED YOU!
Interesting that he finishes the message with he wants to discuss it in a mature way... after calling me childish and that I'm embarrising myself of course. Yeah, very mature. You can ask for whatever you want, you're just not going to get it.
I wonder which one will be next to message me that I can ignore. Seems that they don't understand that when someone blocks them, they don't want to hear from them...
Stars away to Romford tonight... a 9 - 2 defeat!!! What a shame :) Let me guess... the excuse will be "we're rebuilding" as usual...
Guess what... it's not just me being harrassed by the 'media child' and the 'fury'...
...neither am I the only one who is sick of their shit...two posts appeared by an Anonymous Fan... check this level 5,000 trolling skill level!
This person is a legend and I really hope they post more and more in this style. I tip my hat to you.
Is it just me who is pissed off... well those deluded idiots seem to think so... but it's not! There is someone trolling them on X. I haven't logged into that crap since it was twitter.
As you can see here, this ex-volunteer is trolling them. With a hysterical prediction of 15-0 on the next game...
... although what he made as a joke, turned out to be spot on correct. Of course the OCS mob was as predictable as ever and were 'proud' and in full support of thier team who lost 15 - nil. Let that sink in... 15 goals for the other team... and fuck all for the Oxford 'no' Stars.
He was spot on with his prediction, although his trolling was comical, it only gets better. As you'll see next.
... as the delude family all think that not only there team is something to be proud of, but that I am the problem and the only person who is now 'against' the team. Oh how they are wrong!
It was another of our heros trolling posts that they can't help themselves to bite at. I love the hash tags #sacktheboard... although the board consisting of one only one dictator style director. I still understand the point that, what ever system is making... or more like, isn't making the decisions needed does need a huge shake up. Anything is better than last season... finishing last of course. Despite 'proudly' finishing last!
The social media manager, or now renamed as 'Thumbs' by a different ex-volunteer! His posts are not only childish, but fall to abusive and terrible. Players lacking the tops of their heads, the post being in weird non-team colours. Like the 'Happy Birthday' post having gold ballons, not yellow... the teams colours now being Gold and Blue...
So, because they think I am the only person who hates them, they blame everything on me. Despite our hero being the 'Anonymous Fan'... fan being incorrect for a start of course, I guess X doesn't have a setting for 'Anonymous Ex-Fan'. I don't even have a clue who this Vince is, nor do I care... another guy jumping on the bandwagon of failure I guess. I'm sure even after it was pointed out that it wasn't me, they probably didn't believe it. After all, they can't even work out the problems with their own team... so the truth eludes them on a daily basis.
Check the current league table below... something to be really proud of!
... looking way up this page, you'll see my attempt at humor with my AI art of a load of babies/kids crying playing ice hockey... well looking at the stats... this isn't too far from the truth. The team really is a load of skinny, light weight kids. An average age of 21! Average height of 176 cm and an average weight of 72kg!
Oxford Vs Streatham 22-09-2024
With Thumbs doing the media and giving the commentary, I knew that this would be a gem of a game in true Oxford Circus style. Sorry, Oxford Stars... you know what I mean. Pregame Thumbs put out the rosta... of course true to fashion it contained mistakes. Shocking right... one player featuring twice with two different numbers, we all know that they are short on players, but trying to make one guy play twice is a bit desperate... maybe he is bipolar? Split personallity? Or maybe Thumbs is just incompetant at his job... if I was a betting man, I'd say the latter.
Number 50 Alex Tydings and number 88 Alex Tydings...
The game was exactly as anyone with eyes and a brian could predict it would go... EXACTLY THE SAME AS ITS ALWAYS GONE. Loss after loss after loss. However Streatham have always wiped the floor with the non-Stars and this would be no different. At the end of the first they were already 4 goals down! Miller facing 24 shots on goal. Just check the line up and it is so clear that the defense is really lacking and these numbers prove it. Even if they couldn't score because the forwards are dire, the defence could at least bollster the back row and prevent these total annihiliations.
What followed was just goal after goal... I'm sure the deluded council will still have their heads burried so far up each others arsehole that they cant see what was going on, what is happening; let alone the denial that there are any problems and worse still that nothing is on the horizon to change... let me guess. Its all about the 'REBUILD' and they fact that the coach hasn't had a chance to work his magic yet. Like the last several that all faced the same problems.
GOAL - GOAL - GOAL - GOAL - GOAL - GOAL - GOAL - GOAL - GOAL - GOAL - GOAL - GOAL - GOAL - GOAL ...... oh wait one more GOAL.....
That is the best way to summerize this game. What else can you say! OCS might have well stayed in the locker room... or in bed. Poor Miller! Being left to face all these shots... he must be pissed off big time.
Of course the manager (LOL) made an appearance on the socials by asking "was that unblieveable, Really??" Well no, of course it wasn't. As I said below to the person who sent the screenshot of her comment to me shows. Anyone that isn't totally deluded can see what is going to happen this season. Clearly it will either be a last position finish in the league or at very best... 2nd to last. That is even if they team doesn't quit, fold, be made to forfit before the end of the season. What ever happens, I can't wait to see it all unfold, it couldn't happen to ... ummm... worse-a-people.
I couldn't resist sharing this little gem... and yes I'm still blocked... people just love sharing this anti-OCS stuff with me. They better get used to it.
Steves comment was perfect too, he has always been held in high regard by the author. Mainly as he says things how they are... I've been in the company of some of 'the family' when they have bitched and sworn about him because he points out the failings and issues and they simple cannot be faced with the truth.
Update 16 / 10 / 2024
Now I clearly haven't updated this for a while, mainly because there has been nothing new to write about... more hysterically embarrassing losses by the Shitty Stars.... BUT today even one of the players is bitching about me, although he is related to that delightful family. So once I sat down at my desk and booted up the laptop, I saw a notification from Aidan McGurk, or Adian as Thumbs called him.
The interesting thing about this is, that as I've block all the other children and vile nasty folks at OCS, they are now resorting to getting the players to message me. What's the point here? What do they want? Is it a piss poor attempt at threaterning me, trying to get me to bite... what is it. They desperately try to suggest that I'm being pathetic... now imagine pretending to be a professional ice hockey player and sending messages to ex-fans trying to insult or threatern them and claiming 'they' are the sad ones. A total loss of a grip of reality!... then again... a total loss is what OCS are known for. Keep up the great PR works Stars, well done. Doing your self really proud, proffessional as always.
It was great timing from Adian though, I'd actually have forgotten about how disgustingly vile they all were. I will now happily update this and give full credit to Adiannnnnn.
So what has OCS been up to since the last update... well, amazingly they did actually win again. Not against a first time mind you. Well... there was another catastrophic loss... it would seem this season that they are trying to break records. The lowest goals ever scored in a season and the highest amount taken. I'll say it again... poor Miller. You deserve so much better... I was sent this mp4 after a 0 - 14 loss...
You got it Trump... Oxford 'Star Wars' indeed. I'm not on that group, so it was sent to me on WhatsApp and fucking hell did I laugh as it came out the blue. I think I'd take Trump more seriously than OCS. Best part is... the three question marks again on OCS scorers, like Thumbs is wondering where they goals are too. You and all of the fans are in the same boat. Talking about boats... albeit ships would be more appropriate next... what do you do when a ship is sinking... GET THE FUCK OFF IT. Sensibly Will Birch has gone to the Bees. Good for him, Bye bye Birchie.... this couldn't help remind me of a really old song 'Ann-Margret BYE BYE BIRDIE' about a guy who got drafted and went 'away'. Its on you-tube if you really care enough to know how my warped little mind works. All I wonder now is... who's next to leave? Lets be honest, to those players who have stepped up a league, if you get the opportunity to play anywhere else, jump at it! For surely they must have seen OCS records of loosing? Surely???
So.... onto the next game... another game for OCS... only a 1 - 13 loss... but at least there isn't just a string of questions marks where the goal scorers should be.
So.... onto the next game... another game for OCS... only a 1 - 13 loss... but at least there isn't just a string of questions marks where the goal scorers should be.
They just never fail to amaze me...
Another little update for you (23/10/2024). The hypocrisy of the volunteers is staggering and almost beyond belief, mainly due to them being such precious little flowers, things like swear words are banned from Oxford Shitty Stars games. Which being comical in itself, is only made more amusing when the dappy cow who likes to antagonise... well EVERYONE... toke it upon herself to swear at people and when they tell her to "Shut the fuck!", she gets butthurt (despite often saying things like "if you can't take it, don't dish it out" on Facebook) then goes and complains, makes the MC put out a tanoy announcement threaterning to kick people out for swearing and abusing the volunteers. So what started all this fiasco I hear you ask... let me explain. A friend of mine was at the rink, watching the game and he heard from underneither him by the 'Manager', sorry 'jersey washer'... "Oh.... looks whos up there..." in a sarcastic whining voice... 'a proffessionals sports team remember'... my friend not taking shit from anyone, simply responds "and so what?".. then the little piggy starts yelling, shouting, swearing and stomping her trooters "don't you fucking talk to my mum like that..." the complaint as I said, goes to the MC. Then a short while later the club director actually goes over to my friend and asks them to leave, giving wild accusations that he only went to cause trouble. He was standing watching the game quitely until these vile excuses for humans started making comments about him, purposely within his earshot. Well handled OCS... in your usual piss poor ways... shit on the ice, shit managment, shit attitude with shit decisions... but I'm sure this is all part of the usual excuse... "we're rebuilding the team" what with... dogshit?
Of course he asked for his money back... nope, not getting that. He complained to the Ice Rink, who of course just washed their hands with it and who gave it the whole "it's nothing to do with us governer!" style approach.
27-10-2024 OCS vs Cardiff Fire
Here we go... actually, I'm really not interest in the game at all. It was brought to my attention that Thumbs is up to his usually skill level... Despite playing for OCS for about 2 years before leaving it seems Thumbs can't even get his name correct. Tom Stephens, not Stevens... poor Stevo!
Also nice to see so many familiar ex-OCS names in the rosta, all playing back at Oxpens once again, but luckily for them, not wearing OCS kit.
28. Joe Llewellyn
33. Aaron Moody. Never seen with a smile ;)
34. Baily Hind-Pitcher, or BHP as he was better known. In fact people still wear his old jerseys now on the ice as they couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery, let alone getting new jerseys for all their new players.
67. Tom Stevens... STEPHENS. Tom was always good fun during training sessions on a wednesday night.
88. Danny Williams. Great player and nice lad too.
Talking of new players... at least a D-man has joined the squad. A 46 year old vet... at least he will bring some experince to the team that is currently comprised of children from the league below. What a sorry state OCS have got themselves into.
Now, I'm almost certain that I will get the blame... or should I say credit for starting this... but someone started an online petition to raise awareness and giving the idea that the managment/volunteers should be removed to give the team any chance of every moving forwards and ever having the chance to climb out of this pit of loosing depression that it currently finds itself in. Of course, it would be down to the club to action anyones oppinions... so even if it reached 90,000,000 signatures, they still wouldn't have to do anything other than ignore it. However, it only goes to show, they care nothing about the teams prospects, or its fans what-so-ever. They 'run' this because its 'their' team... nothing else really matters.
as predicted another ones leaves...
Just like rats leaving a sinking ship, it won't be long before more players see the light and go to any other team that will take them. I say the word rats, not in a derrogatory sense... more in the way that rats are highly intelligent and understand that the OCS ship isn't just sinking... it's already well and truely underwater. If the Titanic had an ice hockey team, despite being well over a 100 years old, I'd still bet on them beating OCS.
Good luck to Neil Liddiard, I'm glad you've seen the light... because lets face it, unless its MK as the Stars opponant, the chance of winning a game is slim to none. At least going anywhere else, you might experience any sort of winning.
and in true Stars fashion... the next stunning loss by the Stars...
Dear god, are they trying to set a record with season. Goals scored against them. Mind you, with there best player on a 4 game suspension, it is not wonder they got a shit knocked out of them. With the usual defence resembling not much more than a giant cheese grater and the forwards scoring as little as possible... what chance would any netminder really have against a continuous onslaught. I'm sure the 'manager' is still proud of 'her boys' as they 'tried' and did score A goal. When will they all wake up?
Steatham taking a glorious victory of 15 - 1. You have to wonder if not putting a team on the ice would been a better option. Lets wait for the next installment of how to loose games and run a team into an early grave by Oxford City Stars.
.... next... starting to see a pattern yet?
The result is of course no surprise at all... the only amazing feat during this game was that Oxford 'dodgy' Stars were actually winning at one point, but of course in true OCS fashion they choked and went back to the bog standard loosing ways.
What followed the game was just as amusing, it would seem that Chelmsford also can't stand the 'Manager' and the little piggy. This post popeed up, mooking the stupid drawing that the kit washer, sorry manager has used previously.
I only wish I could share what I learnt a few days ago about OCS. All I can say is, "Dax, I'm sorry to hear about your suffering :( and how OCS has fucked you over big time is disgraceful", the worst bit being that they clearly doesn't give two shits about what they have done to you.
.... and you thought I had forgotten about this rant...
19-12-2024 - Well the only thing I could have kept on doing is updating loss after loss after loss. I think its an 85% loss rate... another players quits and moves on... hardly new is it. The "I don't care who wins..." stickers went international a few weeks back and are around Gatwick Airport and all around Paris too. I'm about to run out, I'm thinking something like doing a blue disabled sticker to blend in, saying something like "Love loosing, support Oxford City Stars, you'll love it!"
So what's brought about this update I hear you ask... WELL... I was looking for a message that was supposed to have come through to me through Insta, I don't check Insta, I consider it for children. Only reason I have is, is that it was created by my daughter years ago and it is linked to Facebook and I discovered a message I hadn't read. See below, so of course I had to share it to my public Facebook account and make a suitable comment. It'll get back to Piggy somehow.
So, my reply to the above message on Facebook was this -
I just found this message that I hadn't seen before from July! Another delightful post from the 'staff' at Oxford City Stars'. Oh bless the lot of those deliquent 'people'.
That 'thing' calls me mate! That's the biggest insult there.
?slaughtering them? Does she mean slandering? If so, then she actually means libel, it's not slander, but you can't educate someone that illiterate... writing 'cos' is a good example of why I wouldn't even bother trying.
Who wants to know anything about a team that is guarateed to finished second from bottom in the league, (if they can even finish the season that is), the people watching has plumetted, loses in at least 85% of their games and even the players are starting to quit now and jump ship and who can blame them? The team was so desperate for players that they have had to take any child from the league below just to be able to get enough players on the ice... even then they are still short of players and use that as another excuse as to why they lose... that and the comical 'restructuring' excuse that they have been spamming for years'. I have zero interest in the way that people like 'piggy', 'thumbs', 'the manager' and the 'director' are running the club into the ground. Shame these deluded people don't ask themselves why a fan of well over 20 years suddenly after volunteering for one season suddenly said "I want nothing to do with this team anymore"... that should be the question they are asking. Not being so insecure they worry about why I blocked them... and asking why? Yes it's ironic that she asked me why I blocked her in a message that clearly wasn't blocked... going back to being stupid...
They couldn't pay me to go back into that ice rink to watch that team with those sub-humans running that team.
Oh and I didn't block Aidan as I didn't have a problem with him, until he too started sending me childish abusive messages... but that was probably Piggy too, just using his account to do so, probably as a result of getting no reply from that message, as I didn't see the message until now.
As to asking why I blocked them all... read the website. Again, its discovering shit like this that makes me go and update it.
I'd be careful too, claiming that I don't know things... two words for you 'SEXUAL... ASSUALT...' does that ring any bells? Or should I add all that too the website too.
Remember that old saying that people in glasshouses shouldn't throw stones... I think that is VERY applicable here! I know far more than she could ever possibly imagine I know... Just because its not written on here YET doesn't mean it won't be.
but, whilst we are here
How about this gem of a game...
Now at first glance this doesn't look like a bad loss for OCS...however.... Invicta apparently only had 13 skaters! Even with that few, they had 47 shots on goal, vs OCS 34 with no actual goals happening. Thumbs didn't break out the ??? under OCS this time though... or has he jumped ship too? I bet Asda would put up a better performance on the ice than OCS currently does! It would seem he has had some sort of ID 'chris is'... sorry crisis... odd.
Of course I should mention that Peacock left... one of their only players to score anything recently. Of course he left, what reason would he have to stay. Literally every other team has more prospects than OCS. Unless he lives next to the ice rink, that is the only possible reason for anyone to still play at OCS. No wins, no hope, everyones deserting, volunteers are vile and abusive, director is so out of touch with what anyone wants, fans are leaving, crowd is diminshing, jerseys are a joke, always short benched... how much more can this go on for before someone other than me ask WHAT THE FUCK ARE THEY DOING? I wish you good luck Peacock and all the best.
Like most posts on the OCS FB group... the one I'm banned from btw for asking who was they were signing... they always contain some nice little gems and amusing snippets of how deluded they really are.
So Roy asks exactly what I was thinking... how much more can the fans be dissapointed. The 'manager' voices up and says that THIS is a bad year... did she not see last years performance? or the year before... or the year before... Also, two extra teams is two more teams you should be able to beat... not get beat by! The more teams there are the better your percentage chance of not being at the bottom are... unless of course you're totally shit! That is some very busted arsed logic right there, no wonder the manager is only reasonsibly for washing the jerseys.